What holds me from posting my thoughts on Social Media

There are times when I go through stages in life I’d like to share with others, I stopped myself. Its not like they are anything shameful for the public to know. They are, I believe, valuable lessons I learnt or are even currently struggling with, that, through interacting with my family and peers, I find are closely relatable of their own struggles. 

Honestly, I’m not so sure why exactly I retreat the way I do, but there are a few things I’m assuming may be the reasons why I held those sharings back. 

Maybe its because since different people deal with life differently, or at a different stage in life from me, I fear (yes I believe its mostly fear) the message I was about to bring forth may either disheartened them or make them feel more superior than what I was going through. Disheartened, if they have yet to reach the understanding or stability I have in handling a particular struggle or phase in life, and superior if they have established a greater understanding from where I stood, or if they are those who have a rigid mentality to believe other people’s learning process do not matter to them for they have set themselves to believe a certain value - aka the ‘I know better’ mindset. 

What I hate more from being someone who makes people feel smaller than they actually are, is being someone who brings out the ugly ego of a person. I long for the day we can look at each other with mutual respect and appreciation, cause in all honesty, I have strong belief that nobody is above anybody else in this era. Each one of us exist with our own unique strengths and weaknesses and its so amazing how diversed each of us are. There is no, “I’m better than you”, its more “hey I tried this for myself and it worked! Hoping and praying hard it can work for you too!”

The other reason may also be how i see myself as a communicator. I often doubt my ability to convey messages well, and it doesn’t help that I have had a number of experiences where the message I wanted to bring forth gets misunderstood. One of the main reasons why I started this blog is also to strengthen my communication skill. Have I improved over time? Are the words I choose sensitive enough for my target audience? Will it really help people? Or am I wasting my time? I don’t really know.

So from here the answer must seem simple to you lot - Number one. If I’m retreating, I’m coming from a place of self-doubt, and that’s not a place to be comfortable in. Ive got to embrace this side of me and allow myself that room for improvement as I go along. 

Number two. People who wants to better themselves will see my message from the learning point of view, and will not be disheartened nor egoistical. And I hope this post helps you to understand I don’t know any better from you, nor am I someone you can look down on. The things I strongly resonate with and passionate about sharing, is nothing you’ve never heard of. Its just a form of reminder for anybody (that includes me) of our purpose and priorities. Cause today we live in a world where material gains are far more valued than developing oneself to be of value to the society. The Mission is to have an integral society where each individual holds strong their unique values that one can learn from another. And if I say I want that for the society, then Ive got to look past my own insecurities and self-doubt. So yeah. 

Rooting for more honest truths from me. Take care.


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