2 Mar 2020/ 7 Rejab 1441 - RED

"Leaders never use the word failure. They look upon setbacks as learning experiences" - Brian Tracy

Today was another defeat setback. 

Sometimes you tend to make the same mistake over and over, and over again, which leads you to believe that you are incapable of change. You try this, you try that, and the more you strive, the more mistakes surface. Its like you are glued to a corner of a wheel and though at times you on top and feeling like you are above life challenges, and the next thing you know, ops! Its as if you learnt nothing from your past mistakes. 

Just 10 minute ago, I was in that state. State of kicking yourself hard. And part of me believes that I deserved it. You know for professions like parents or leaders, its a huge weight on our shoulders as our actions directly affect those we care for. And if we need to care for innocent little humans that at times dont look so innocent, nor human, its something that can "make us go cray cray", as one of my sister would say. Most part cause we often think we are responsible for their actions. 

But we are not.

We are not and should not be responsible for others' actions, be it our kids, or otherwise. What we are responsible for, is our own actions and our own reactions. Because how you expect a human being to be responsible for other people's actions when its an element that cant be controlled? Ultimately these kids are individuals themselves and they makes their own decisions, whether we parents like it or we dont. 

So this recurring setback brings me to this understanding. And an understanding stays an understanding until I put this into my daily practises. So I take this setback as an upportunity for growth.

Conquering one habit at a time, 

Till next time.


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